Episode 50

Mastering Life’s Adventures Thru Soul Evolution 50th EPISODE, The Journey, and Your Three Superpowers! | EP 50

Dr. Judith is excited to share her reflections in this 50th podcast episode, summarize the journey up until now, the underlying psychological barriers  to spiritual growth, and three Superpowers to support your soul in ongoing self-mastery in everyday living. 

Thank you, seekers, for being part of this journey of living life more abundantly with joy, curiosity, and love. 

About the Host:

Dr. Judith Holder’s passion is empowering people to be their best selves! Dr. Holder is the founder and executive director of Unique Pathways™ (www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com). She is a leadership coach-psychologist, facilitator, consultant, and author.

Our paths are filled with many adventures in which Judith believes can be seen as growth opportunities, even during challenging times. She likes to think about, discover, and discuss personal and professional life’s circumstances as you journey through life, through the lens of Christian values, Buddhist precepts, Ascended Master teachings and Esoteric Principles to gain greater clarity and mastery in daily living. 

Dr. Holder is the author of Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam – Essential Insights for Growth and Self-Mastery, and an e-book, Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth

On a personal note, Dr. Holder sees herself as a perpetual student/seeker learning from her everyday adventures, which she considers as a part her ongoing growth and evolution of her SOUL. The fun part is we are all walking similar journeys together!

Judith enjoys spending time with family, vacationing at beaches and mountains sides, reading, walking, partaking in mindfulness practices, and is a certified yoga instructor.


Dr. Holder’s books on Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam and Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth can be found at -



Mastering Life’s Adventures “How to” Downloadable Courses at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab “Offerings”

  • Course 1: Mastering Life’s Adventures mini-course
  • Course 2: Opening Up to Your Divinity mini-course


Learn more about “Mental Fitness for Busy People”, at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab, “Offerings”


You can also check out Dr. Holder’s at

LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judith-c-holder-phd-ms-pcc-bcc-a1a4a57/

Executive and Leadership Coaching website: www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com

Speaking Engagements (for Women New to Leading): www.drjudithholder.com


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Dr. Judith Holder:

Welcome to Mastering Life's Adventures, an educational podcast about tapping into your true self, the soul, your soul, the substance of your life, to discover what life's ups and downs are really about, and how to have a greater sense of purpose, peace, joy, and fulfillment. I'm Dr. Judith holder and your host, Coach psychologist Delos seeker, he enjoys diving into the connections between spirituality, psychology, wellness, and your everyday life's adventures. All comparing and polishing you like the fast is a magnificent diamond to be your best self. If you're craving more from your life, you are in the right place. Come let's journey together and transforming what you know, and to who you really are Mastering Life's Adventures begins now.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Hi, welcome back. Guess what? This is our 50th episode. Yes, five, zero. And I hope you've been enjoying listening to this podcast, focused around soul evolution, self mastery, and helping the soul to continue to evolve and to grow and to advance. Because we all have a song and our soul is here on purpose, whether we're aware of it or not. And to be more aware, and more attuned and more joyful and engaged with yourself. Wow, that's, that's nice. And your soul is delighted. One of the things I thought I was going to do in this episode was briefly recap some of the things that I've talked about leading up to this 50th episode. And then give you some thoughts that I have about what's kind of the themes that I see that are taking place. So with that in mind, I begin first began talking about my why I was doing this. So you can look, go back and listen to that in episode one. And how I really felt the need, then I wanted to share some perspectives and some thoughts and opinions, this really was for to give you food for thought to think in a different way, or to maybe entertain other thoughts as relates to this whole direction that I've kind of moved in with looking at Self Mastery, looking through the lens of the soul, the day to day experiences that we do have, what are the possible meanings to that. And what I began doing was laying the foundation. So those are some of the beginning episodes, laying the foundation talking about attention and forms reality, talking more about distractions with keep us off balance, and how we need to be really be more balanced and focus because the world will have always had distractions and have things for us to look at other than ourselves and to look internally within ourselves and find with a point of strength and power and wisdom and love exists within us which I'll be talking a little bit more about in terms of those silver superpowers and and what are some of those superpowers which I'm not going to talk about three today. But I will talk about others in the future as well. And then also we talked about this whole focus around assumptions and how assumptions can get in our way. And also talked about we don't know what we don't know. And so that's where the soul comes in. Because none of those things meet always know about is our soul. And thinking that we even have a soul which I kind of coined the term soul is a subset of your with a You are life, the substance of your life, the trueness the realness, the essence of who you really are, outside of which we talked about to about the ego persona. And understanding that the ego persona is kind of this fabricated sense of self, that we've kind of developed for protection and be developed because of societal norms and, and what the expectations are of us. And so we conform to those things that may be in alignment with our soul and direction that we need to move in. And sometimes it's outside of that alignment of what our truly our soul is looking for and needing from us. And that's why sometimes we do come and experience more depression or sadness or feeling out of sorts or anxious is where those are all qualities that are out of alignment with our soul and our soul quest and direction. And sometimes in life experiences do bruise us through those extremes. Humans has hurt us that we have. And so that sometimes gets in the way of understanding our soul and move us into the ego persona. And developing defenses is what I call them, mechanisms to protect ourselves, I get it. We also talked about in the laying of the foundation, five judgments that can impact us and understanding of those judgments becomes helpful. And I'm not to say an exhaustive list there, the five but I thought they were five are the significant ones, and that we needed to be aware of, and I think that was an episode 12, that you can go back and listen to, if you so choose. And then I talked about this one of those episodes and laying the foundation about the force soul states, and understand that the soul does have states of evolution and growth, and cycling in and out that we need to be aware of. And that was way into being asleep, ourselves, and really pretty much being asleep. And I talked about what that meant. And the dozing type of soul and partially awake and the engaged as ascending soul, which we're all striving towards this last component or stage or, or aspect of what the soul is needing, and how we want to tap into that. And that laid some of the foundation along with other things about and then we went into talking about this whole area of barriers and roadblocks to soul progress. And with those barriers and roadblocks to our souls progress, I'm just really focusing on those things, to basically get in our way that we are a subtly or more overtly, that we may kind of No, that is not right, but not quite understand some of the behind the scenes of what it why it may not be right or accurate for our soul and our soul evolution. Some of those that I was reflecting on and thinking about and giving my perspective on was like the creeping condemnation and the acquired anger, and the weary warrior and I did three parts of that we warrior, the worry that goes on for us, that does act as a barrier to our own evolutionary growth and advancement. Then also talked about the constant complaining that happens that can act as a barrier to our soul, the sticky stubbornness and the fleeting discouragement and the grumpy grudges and the revolving resentments. And the awkward arrogance and the persistent procrastination in the syncing sarcasm was one of the last ones that I spoke on, which you can all hear about, and how they have an impact on our soul, and our souls, direction, and movement. And when I was working on those and thinking about them, it was kind of a creative flow that happened when I was thinking about the psychology of people, that psychology of mood states, and also the psychology of misbeliefs. That we do have, and how do they impact the soul, and the soul? Advanced man. And sometimes, as I said earlier, it can be really subtle, how they have that impact. Sometimes it's very much in our face, and we realize by what a person's spirit with those are sent to us, we're trying to do is be more alert and aware of where they're showing up. Where do I notice this sinking sarcasm happening? And am I noticing happening when I get irritated and frustrated by what someone did to me at work? Or at my home? Or in my home life? Do I get frustrated then and then I have make a sarcastic comment. And then there's a part of me that knows.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Maybe I shouldn't have said that. That was a little bit too biting what I said, so they sink in sarcasm happens. But it's not only happening to us, and our outer awareness is going on. But our inner core of who we are our soul essence, it has an impact upon us too. It's like putting that weigh on us putting that density which I've talked about in episodes on us, and being aware of the fact that the soul is like an eagle. He can't fly if his wings are clipped through density through sarcasm, the procrastination through complaining. And these are all the things that we want to clean up. We want to do less. You may not be entirely be done away with but we can surely work on doing less of these qualities. I'm going to be talking about other qualities as well as we move forward after the 50th episode here but I wanted to just give some thoughts to you about these qualities and laying the foundation that I've already talked about and They have a common theme, these barriers and roadblocks to soul progress. And I kind of mentioned it and hinted at it a little bit before. And one of the common themes so far is they're pushing you to think about emotional, self mastery. These are all elements, the ones that I just mentioned are elements of emotionally, being out of sorts out of alignment, out of attunement, to who we really are. They are mask, they mask who we are. And we take it as if it's us. This is who we are this mask that we show of worry worrying about something, worrying about what the future will hold and worrying about where they're going to get into that school, or college or worrying about whether we're going to get that promotion at work, or worrying about are my kids going to love me. I mean, these are, you know, incessant things that can go on that takes our energy away from the true essence of who we really are the true essence of our soul, which is the substance the true substance of our life. What are the things is with this emotional mastery that these barriers and roadblocks are calling for. The first thing I was trying to help you do too, is to build awareness, and being a greater sense of awareness, that self awareness that you can be able to see when you're slipping, and you've moved into a particular state, or a barrier or a roadblock that you realize, I'm trying to kind of break myself of that I'm trying to do less of that. But we first have to be aware before we can be able to make any type of shifts that we may want. But the other thing is, now that we are aware, we also have to be more intentional. This intention, ality, to be different. The intentionality to say no to this, and yes to this, yes to the liberation of my soul, and yes to feeling lighter and better. And my interactions with individuals feeling cleaner, and my conversations that I'm giving are having with other individuals. And so that becomes really helpful for the soul when we're getting more intentional about that. Because then we have the motivation, and we start to develop the energy to act differently, to stop ourselves to say, Now, am I doing that this time, I'm not going to slip on that banana peel this time. And instead, I'm going to do this. So it uses your intentionality, with the actions being pre planned about how you want to do something different. In the next time that it comes up, we may not always catch ourselves when it's actually happening. But right after we realize we are aware of it. So even then we can make that correction, because that's what the soul wants. It wants us to be more intentional in making the corrections when we are aware of it, as opposed to a decade down the road, when we realize oh, wow, you know, I've been doing that. So I guess I'm gonna continue to do it. No, no, that's not really what you have to to be saddled with, I guess is the word that we have an ability to make changes in our lives, regardless of how often in terms of the frequency or the duration of whatever has occurred to us. It may have been occurring to us for several decades, you may now be in your 40s or 50s, or 60s, or who may have been happening, you know, to you, you're more aware of it in your 20s We're everywhere aware of it, and we start making changes that allows us to make progress and continue to work towards being our best self, because we're changing those behaviors that get us stuck, that are the barriers as we've talked about. Because ultimately, the goal is so liberation, liberating the soul from this kind of layers of stuff that are weighing us down, moving us away from being on autopilot, that we're unconscious of to these behaviors, but we're now moving out of the autopilot into being looking at there is a mode of for change their motivation for my changes, when I start not engaging in some of these barriers and roadblocks of like sticky stubbornness or constant complaining when I am become more intentional about saying I don't want to do that anymore, and I want to be able to be able to look at Something, look at what it is that needs to happen differently, communicate that in a positive way, but not continue to complain about it. That doesn't help us. It doesn't help anyone needing but we need to find other creative ways to share our thoughts and ideas that is liberating to our soul. And there's usually three aspects that move us into one to change about things that's talked about in psychology, and yester plenty others, but I'm just going to talk about three changes that we need to be aware of as it relates to those walking as a spiritual path. And one is pain. When we feel pain, we're more willing to make changes. And so use the pain in a way that you realize, and realize it may be a pain in your heart or pain in your gut, that you know, are not keeping you up at night, and you've become asleep now, because, you know, you said you did something that was not an honoring of the essence of who you are, and your values, and what's important to you. And so we can use that pain, if I say I'm not doing that, again, I'm going to make a different choice when this situation comes up upon Me. Because if you notice in your life, things happen to you. Again, again, and again, different phase, different circumstances, different situation, maybe, but the theme is still the same, trying to teach us something trying to help us look at something that we haven't looked at before, that needs to be looked at. And the universe has a way of doing that for us. The other is, is that we truly want something better in our life, we want to be a better person. And if we're on that goal of that quest to be our best self, then why don't we make changes when we see that they need to be made? Why don't we be humble enough to be able to say, that didn't come out, right? Or I didn't say that, right? I'm gonna, you know, I want to work on that a little bit and be more clear with you, whoever you're talking with. Or you know what, I own it. Yes. And I will make the corrections where it needs to be done. And then move on from that, and not feel the need to have to defend yourself, or to justify yourself, and instead, see it for what it is make the change, keep moving. And then the third one that we are having to do if we're wanting to move towards motivation for change is being purposeful. With your soul in mind, you're being purposeful, purposeful, because you want to continue to evolve and grow. You're in you're observing, you're seeing yourself. I mean, you have to be like a microscope, and you have to be observing everything going on like under a microscope. But you're just being attuned to the fact that I want to make sure that I'm being purposeful in making the changes I want to keep my soul awake to keep my soul moving farm, this would I call it dozing or partial awake into more of an engaged and ascending, moving forward and ascending daily, moving up to the next rung on the ladder of my own evolutionary growth and advancement. So that purposefulness to your soul actually engenders a graciousness of goodness with your soul. And you feel more attune. You feel more connected, you feel more grounded, because of that purposefulness.

Dr. Judith Holder:

And when you're doing that, that means you're automatically being attuned to some of the roadblocks that I've talked about. And some of the ones that we'll talk about in the future. But you also may be things that I haven't talked about, and that need to make subtle shifts and changes and, and you're willing to do it. And you see it as fun as an activity of engagement that allows you to continue to gain mastery over it, gaining emotional mastery, gaining that self emotional mastery in the situation, why we're doing those things moving away from automatic, being aware of what the motivation for change that may move you to want to do something different, didn't find any particular roadblocks or barriers that are going on and you're live and just take it one at a time. You don't have to do. It's like you don't have this wall of the Whole Whale. She doesn't have to take bite sized pieces. And he thinks moving then that allows us to have a greater focus that truly on being our vessel, keenly aware of when you're not and that is powerful in itself. That is moving us into a greater anchoring, and the immensity of who we truly are. And with that immensity of truly who we really are, I'd like to share three superpowers. I talked about one already. And I'll share that in a minute. But we were on this spiritual path on this quest in this direction, and we're excited about what we're learning about ourselves. We're excited, but we're feeling more connected, more grounded in ourselves, then these superpowers can help us even more, they can help us with the barriers I've talked about, and the roadblocks already talked about. And we'll talk about the future that can help us to continue to be on a firm foundation, mainly to our own soul growth and evolution. So the first one is related to the our soul that came from God, and he wants to return to God in his soul evolution in his path, and how impart the superpower which I've talked about in the previous episode, is discernment. The soul is working on through our awareness to our experiences discernment, where we need to put our attention, what we need to do, and how we need to do it. Because we're in listening grace, to our soul, and our inner Christic nature, the Christ like qualities that exists within us I've talked about before, because discernment deals wisdom, and wisdom is wise dominion, taken wise dominion over situations. And sometimes we have to ask for a greater attunement to that discernment. Lord, mighty I Am Presence, Christ of me. Buddha of me, helped me to learn in teach me about discernment, this superpower of discernment, so I can see clearly what to take in that why in the road, whether to the right or to the left, or do something else. It's a superpower of discernment, but gains us greater wisdom. Stop asking for it, and start looking to CERN between what is the higher way and what is the lower way and a decision that's being made that I need to make in my life. And if we're in prayer, or we're in giving ourselves reflective time, or quiet time, being still, to that light, and MA being still in ourselves? By asking the question, we start to gain and garner a greater degree of this quality of discernment. Now, the next superpower that you can use to help with the barriers to help with some life experiences that you're going through, is, first and foremost, being aware of the fact that the soul craves, yes, craves our attention, and nurturance. And the more that we can be in a two minute, with our soul awareness that we can be in attunement with knowing that our soul wants attention, and nurturing of kindness, a loving regard, of positivity, of to our soul, of having a conversation, which we like have to have with a best friend, you have it with your soul. This is really the superpower of love, and love. There's human law. And then there is divine love. And I'm not saying that human love, you don't need we do want that. But we want it through kind of a different lens. We want it through the heart quality lens, or through what I like to share as heartfelt this, the heartfelt and this is tied into the soul's awareness of itself being greater than itself, being tied back into what we talked about, in terms of that God sort of CI in presence, the atman so one of the things about love, I was thinking meditating on, I think he's in Corinthians. So God took away that net from one's heart, so that you could have clarity and clear vision and clear understanding. And so what we have to do is sometimes his humaneness, you know is defines love in a particular way. But it's so much more than that. So we have to ask God to take that net off our heart and expand it to the gracious qualities what love is. And so I think there's like 1000 qualities of love, and shades and variations of love, that we can be able to start reflect on start to think about Stark or even Google about and understand what is love? And how can I love this particular situation that I find myself in? And with the tubular barriers? How can love help to dissolve those barriers, and allowing me to see things from a different perspective, taking time to be able to say, Okay, that was old. That's the old way in which I'm looking at this, what is the loving way? Can I look at this, what is the right way, but it doesn't mean that you're not being discerning. As I said earlier, I'm using that other superpower. And it does mean that you're not moving into anger, or you're not moving into hate, which is not the quality of walking a spiritual path. We don't want to hate anyone or anything we want to forgive. We want to have the correction to take place. And we want to move on. So the other quality that I'm going to talk about which the soul is needs, guidepost needs, markers, that are headed in the right direction, and it is these, and this is through understanding the will of God, the I Am Presence, the Atma, the universal source, understanding what is the will of God in this particular situation that I find myself in, and you hear me going back to the qualities of quietness, of stillness of listening, listening to what your inner promptings your intuition, which is that soul quality will share with you. And I'll talk about that in future episodes as well. But this guy post is so important to the soul. And that's why I've been talking about these qualities of what are the barriers and roadblocks to soul progress, because it allows you to understand a better understanding that when you're in quicksand, and when you're on solid ground, and we need to know, we don't want to be in quicksand. We don't want to be sinking from our experiences, or emotional natures, or what's going on with us in any particular day. But we want to be on solid ground. And we want to be walking and elevated way that allows the soul to move into into being fully engaged and ascending, ascending each and every day, during our baths being better and better and better. That is what the soul is looking for, and wants. I'll talk more about these superpowers in future episodes as well. But for now, give it some thought. What do you think? And I'm so happy. That is the 50th episode. And I have so much more to say. This was an overview, I want to give up some of the things we've talked about, and understanding where this these roadblocks and barriers and why they're important to soul evolution. And then also just talk about that emotional self mastery that has taken place and I will talk more about how it's so important in future episodes in terms of this emotional self mastery along with other points of mastery that will help us to continue to blossom and help our soul to continue to evolve and grow. I look forward to your continued involvement in these in these episodes. Take care bye for now.