Episode 18

Breaking New Ground: Weaving “LIGHT” Threads Into The SOUL’s G.O.L.D. Fabric - Part II | EP 018

Dr. Judith continues to talk (see episode 15) about the fabric of the SOUL being GOLD (Glory of Love’s Divinity) as a co-creator with God. She talks about how to begin weaving in LIGHT strands or threads to expand the Soul’s fabric through three qualities mentioned in her book, Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam. These qualities are easy to engage in through intentional living and benefit Soul growth.

Future episodes with special guests will expand these concepts of “dark and light strands-threads,” G.O.L.D (Glory of Love’s Divinity) being the fabric and striving of the Soul to growth and mastery in daily life experiences. Upcoming episodes will be related to Real Life Adventures in Living with particular guest REEL (movie) adventures providing keys to soul evolution, along with Dr. Judith’s solo episodes on the psychology of soul evolution.

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About the Host:

Dr. Judith Holder’s passion is empowering people to be their best selves! Dr. Holder is the founder and executive director of Unique Pathways™ (www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com). She is a leadership coach-psychologist, facilitator, consultant, and author.

Our paths are filled with many adventures in which Judith believes can be seen as growth opportunities, even during challenging times. She likes to think about, discover, and discuss personal and professional life’s circumstances as you journey through life, through the lens of Christian values, Buddhist precepts, Ascended Master teachings and Esoteric Principles to gain greater clarity and mastery in daily living. 

Dr. Holder is the author of Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam – Essential Insights for Growth and Self-Mastery, and an e-book, Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth

On a personal note, Dr. Holder sees herself as a perpetual student learning from her everyday adventures, which she considers as a part her ongoing growth and evolution of her SOUL. The fun part is we are all walking similar journeys together!

Judith enjoys spending time with family, vacationing at beaches and mountains sides, reading, walking, partaking in mindfulness practices, and is a certified yoga instructor.


Dr. Holder’s books on Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam and Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth can be found at -



Mastering Life’s Adventures “How to” Downloadable Courses at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab “Offerings”

  • Course 1: Mastering Life’s Adventures mini-course
  • Course 2: Opening Up to Your Divinity mini-course


Learn more about “Mental Fitness for Busy People”, at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab, “Offerings”


You can also check out Dr. Holder’s at

LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judith-c-holder-phd-ms-pcc-bcc-a1a4a57/

Executive and Leadership Coaching website: www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com

Speaking Engagements (for Women New to Leading): www.drjudithholder.com


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Dr. Judith Holder:

Welcome to Mastering life's adventures, an educational podcast about tapping into your true self, the soul, your soul, the substance of your life, to discover what life's ups and downs are really about, and how to have a greater sense of purpose, peace, joy, and fulfillment. I am Dr. Judith holder and your host, Coach psychologist Delos seeker, he enjoys diving into the connections between spirituality, psychology, wellness, and your everyday life's adventures. All comparing and polishing you like the fast is a magnificent diamond, to be your best self. If you're craving more from your life, you are in the right place. Come let's journey together and transforming what you know, and to who you really are Mastering life's adventures begins now.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Hi, I'm back. I'm here to talk about in this episode about the fabric our soul, which is called the goal, the essence of who we really are the G O LD. And as you were in Episode 15, I was talking about this whole notion of having this fabric of gold, which is a part of our Creator, which God has given to us as inheritance. So we have gold fabric that exists within us, it was just the essence of our soul. But we also have these dark threads that are woven in based upon our choices, our decisions or actions that may not have been in alignment with God, and what God has as his highest direction and path for our soul. God has given us the opportunity to be a co creator. And since we are a co creator with God, that means the fabric that is or she is, which is gold. He certainly is what we are, and the goal that exists within us. But we sometimes have had that kind of kicked over or plowed over. Or we've had it very, very, for a long time build up a lot of cobwebs in the essence of who we are or the house in which we have you know, when you go into a house, you have these, you haven't been in that house for a long period of time. And so you have these cobwebs that develop well, we can sometimes said that too, because we have not paid enough attention to our soul. And so in the fabric of what our soul essence is, which is gold. And today, I'm here to talk about what did we want to do in terms of really sewing in more of the light threads, those golden threads? And how do we through that building of more the fabric and expanding that fabric of gold by building in more of the light through our thoughts, our words, and our deeds, and also being aware that all those things are thoughts, words and deeds and feelings to have vibrations to them. And we can have the higher vibration, which is the threads of light. Or we can have lower vibrations, which is sometimes those threads of darkness that it's being sown, that we're not even aware about. So there's me different frequencies and vibrations that we can be intentional about that is adding to the value of who we are and our soul evolution, but also allowing us to be able to be more really aware of when we're off the path off the path of our soul evolution, and maybe going down the path in a direction that is not in alignment with God's will. God's laws, which I've talked about before, is not in alignment with the true inheritance that we do have. It is if we forget that we have gold right in our backyard. That is us the fabric of who we are but we forget about it because eco Prasanna gets so much involved in the day to day living, that we forget that by our attunement with God. All things are possible by being aware that we are co creator each and every day with God and that we're choosing to weave in light strands that uplift the frequencies to be in alignment with who we really are on the path of soul evolution back to God or create those dark threads that weigh down our our goal fabric, our soul And as I mentioned in this episode, I want to talk about the weaving of light threads. And being more attuned to this fabric of gold, which is the souls consciousness, moving in the frequency of God's consciousness. And we do this by being aware of three, whether you want to call them attributes, principles, that can be of help to you, as you're being more intentional. In some of this, I'm just pulling out three. But in my book, Mastering life's adventures on the beam, I talk about 12, constructive qualities that support and uplift the soul. Here, in this episode, we'll talk about three of those qualities and attributes that support this song. So the first one I want to talk about is gratitude. Gratitude. It goes a very long way to help to support the evolution of our soul, and goes a long way with weaving into our soul, which is gold, the light threads that expands the soul, and finding ways to express thankfulness for God's love in our life. And also, through those that are around us. These light threads expands the soul and uplifts the soul. And actually access this gratitude that we show and express as a bridge of a to met some bridge of a two men creating an energetic frequency, or along this path or traveling day to day. It actually also, as we're expressing our gratitude to our family members are expressing it to the things that have come into our life that we're great, we're happy and we're appreciative about spirit expressing it to at work, when we're in a tough situation, but you find something that is good that you can express and give back to someone else that may lighten theorbo are allowed than that feel better about how their days going. It helps us is in its enlightened self interest. You're not trying to be selfish here. It's just enlightened self interest, that the good that we show to others, it's like a boomerang, it comes back to us as good as well, it goes back to that law of cause and effect that I talked about in a previous episode. So this quality of gratitude can dissolve these some of these dark threads of insensitivity, or hardness of heart. It can allow us to be more sensitive to what's going on around us. And maybe what are the needs of individuals that are around us. But sometimes we find in living of life, and the daily life adventures that we go through, that we do have this hardness of heart that this callousness that we can show to other parts of life, animals, cruelty, or even to our spouse or to our children. When when we move in the attitude, and the frequency of gratitude, it helps dissolve these momentums in these energies that come up, and help us be more aware to say, oops, not this direction. I want to find what I can find that I'm grateful for. I want to find what I can be able to open my heart and express that gratitude to others. Find ways in which you can be able to do that. And the question that we sometimes have to ask ourselves is How do I express gratitude to God, my family, my work at work with others. So it's as if you're setting your sail your attention, to be more focused on expressing gratitude.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Think about how you want to do that. It do it daily. Again, it's like a boomerang, it just comes back to you in a plentiful way. While we're doing this, and also expands the fabric of the gold of our consciousness, which is more in alignment with being a co creator more in alignment with God, the Lord, the I Am that I Am in our life and the soul because was delighted and feels more buoyant, and boys as up to be able to deal with some of the stresses and strains that we may have to deal with in our day. The other quality, that was the first in terms of gratitude, the other quality that helps the van, the light threads into this gold fabric is kindness. And kindness is a quality of love, God's love. What we are striving to express more in our daily life is through kindness, which is another frequency I think of love. as having 1000 frequencies, there's so many different ways that you can express that love. And one of those ways is through kindness, kindness to oneself, kindness to others, kindness and frequency of speech, kindness, and thought of how we're looking at a situation where we want to be more critical of someone or something, or some situation, we stop ourselves. We say now, what is it the kind thing I can do here? What is the kind thing that I can say here, we stand through our process of doing that, in doing it more intentionally. We have now to support that light strand, to be sewn into the goal to be that fabric of gold. So it can be expanded and do that expansion, it expands the expression of our soul. It is also through kindness, that we have the opportunity to purify some motives, and cultivate this desire for ourselves in those that are around us, and others around us, to be able to be something I call Christ, like. Kindness helps us to be more Christ like, because ultimately, God in Jesus, his son, his son, it came as a mediator, to help us to understand what are the laws, the principles, the qualities of what it means to be Christ, like, in our thoughts, and our words, and in our deeds, and what it means for us to follow this path of kindness. But also, with firmness, that there's sometimes we have to we can be kind, as I tell my clients and my coaching clients, we can be kind. But we can be firm too. Meaning that there's certain things we will not do. Just because we're kind doesn't mean that people can take advantage of us at all, we can see the playing field of what's going on. But we're electing to be kind when another person may be electing to be mean, or argumentative, or want to be resentful towards us, doesn't mean that we have to do that towards them in any way. And in fact, that's why we want to have a desire to be more Christ, like through kindness. And being aware that by navigating through our life's adventures to kindness, we are actually helping our life to move in the right direction. We're helping to create some buffer between this world of chaos, confusion and hurt and pain. And we're not perpetuating that in any way. And in fact, we are inviting God through being kind is a frequency of energy, that we say, God, Jesus, please be in the passenger seat while I'm in the driver's seat. Please help me to seeing those things on the path that I'm driving on that I can be able to do a quick detour if I need to, to another way because of the awareness that there's something else going up ahead of me. You're developing through kindness, as well as a thread of light and gratitude as a thread of light. You're you're cultivating a gradient or to live with the higher frequencies of what God is and how God shows up in our life and how we are on that path. I have to admit to the mediator who can guide us as well, which is Jesus. And then even before Jesus, there was Buddha, who had the eightfold path as a way to guide people how to be and how to live life. So the last quality that I want to talk about today is the quality of self discipline. And this quality is about putting in a weaving in the light threads of structure, having guidelines and how you want to be how you want your soul's desire to expand, and being aware of the fact that self discipline allows you to be aware of a guidelines of how to live your life, how you what the values of how you want to live your life, and staying true to those values, we sometimes think, well, these are my values that are that, make sure they're the right values, and stay true to those values. Because one of the things about self discipline is is that there is a component of restraints, and those restraints you follow to stay focused, and not be distracted, or derailed off the path. Because you are willing to be able to say, I do have principles, I do have a sense of guidelines of how I want to live my life. And some of those were talked about even the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament about how one lives one's life, we have the 10 commandments, for example. But there are also universal laws about how we want to live our life, to be in alignment with our Creator, our God source, the I Am that I Am. And so we want to learn those laws. Because as Christ like beings, as soul, beings, true essence of who we are that soul, that substance of our life, we want to be able to ensure that we always have a greater degree of attunement. And through these three principles, or concepts are virtues that I'm talking about gratitude, kindness, and self discipline helps us to be able to achieve the expansion of that goal fabric, for us to be spinning at higher frequencies. And this is God is at a certain frequency. And we're at a certain frequency, it's just like the light spectrum. When we talk about these threads, you know, you have the big five, which is the light spectrum, and one of the highest frequencies on that spectrum is a five light frequency is a particular color, you know, and Violet has some transportation abilities, which I'll talk about in a future episode, at some point. So back this up discipline is achieved because you love God, and the creator, or the higher self, more than you love yourself and your human self, your human desires, and thoughts and feelings. You love God with all your heart, mind, and soul. Which is the goal, which is God, its goal. And when we love God, with all our heart, with our mind, with all our soul, then this becomes evident. Because when we where we put our attention is where we'll get more of an experience around which talked about another episode which you laying the foundations, you can go back and listen to that if you haven't listened to that particular episode about a tension in forms reality.

Dr. Judith Holder:

So with this discipline, which God always wishes us to follow a path of discipline because he does have certain laws and precepts and, and qualities that he wants his children to be able to express to be more like Him, then why don't we start to look at what they are and start to be able to reflect meditate, read, inspire, read inspirational information that will allow us to be always in the frequency of God, slight in the frequency of God's gold and knowing that as we expand that frequency is actually expanding the fabric, our soul. And that expansion and expansion, and greater expanding of that allows us to come higher and higher in frequency and to mid with God. And in that process of being an attunement, we know intuitively when we need to do something, when we need to speak, when we really don't need to speak, when we need to act, and when we need to be still and be quiet. That's what we're really learning for ourselves is how do we navigate? And how do we be in this world, the daily life experiences that come our way. So as it relates to self discipline, the question I have for you to reflect on think about is, what would divine self discipline look like, in my life? What would I notice that I would be doing? What would I notice that I would intentionally not do? When I'm on the path of increasing self discipline, in my mind, I didn't say rigidly being rigid. I set out self discipline, that you were willing to have certain degrees of restraint. And the verbiage and communications that we use are in the behaviors that we engage in, when we know they're not in alignment with God's laws, and principles. It's really what I have talked about, and I continue to want to talk about is intentional living, you're being more intentional about how went to work, and this person was engaged in a project. And they were really in some saying some things that were not really appropriate or helpful, or have the gall to be able to say, you set your truth, and then you let it go, you are still trying to be kind, considerate, and you are not trying to get angry, or frustrated, or impatient, because you're using some degrees of self restraint. And that is what self discipline is about. Or when you're in home. And you're finding that your child or your spouse, or significant other is saying doing behaving in ways that are getting you more annoyed or frustrated, or you're feeling as if you're not sure if things are gonna work out or not. You have you have some degree of self restraint. And you ask yourself first, what can I say here? That is kind, but firm, that may express gratitude of saying things that are going right, with the job and with the relationship or with yourself? And then how do you do self corrections? Life is for living in life is for learning. And so we're not going to get it right. And I've said this before. So how do we correct ourselves? How do we do it intentionally, that allows us to feel better about how we're living our life, and how allows others around us to be aware that we are always have learner, we're learning and we're growing. And we're humble in that process. And in through that process of humility, it opens up maybe other verses, or in contact with other people who can be of help us with a particular situation or circumstance that we find ourselves in. So it's this process weaving in these light threads, we can transmute some of the dark threads, allowing our fabric to expand and be able to fill in with a light essence, which is the gold of our soul, which is a part of the fact that we are co creators are solved as a co creator with God. And we want to make sure we in that role as a co creator is actually pulling together things that are uplifting, harmonious and in service to others, as well as ourselves, as well as our family that will allow our family to be loving and kind. And be aware of the fact that through adoration that we have for God and our soul essence the substance of our life. And through these qualities I just mentioned in terms of gratitude, kindness and self discipline that we're learning to adore God in His presence in our lives, every day, in every way. And that these light strands We are expanding the fabric of gold, G O L D, which is the goal, G O A. L, the soul and the souls evolution. Thank you. Think about it. Bye for now.